Sh.e is in British Columbia this Fall!

Hello Friends....

Autumn seems to me to be the perfect time to reflect on both life’s fullness and its emptiness. After the summers growing season we can look around to see natures bounty. My kitchen counter is covered with tomatoes, potatoes, cucumbers and zucchini, my garden mums are bursting with colour and blossoms, and out my office window I see that the mountain ash tree is full of orange berries for the birds to feast upon this winter.

Winter, as it comes, will see our gardens empty, flowers draw their energies within and trees releasing all of their leaves and preparing for future growth next spring. We will live out the next few months between the fullness of this abundance with the ending of one season and the emptying in our landscape that comes with the beginning of another… much like the pause between the inhalation and the exhalation of our breath. One fills us up, and the next empties us out. Both necessary to a rich and healthy life.

As these seasons come and go, I offer some upcoming activities for connecting with your own energetic abundance and emptying stillness… Please take a look, share news of, and be in touch if there is something you would like to know more about or register for.

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Mindfulness & Meditation

Throughout almost 30 years of research, feedback and outcomes, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Programs show that well-being is positively impacted by eight weeks of attending classes, learning about and practicing mindfulness meditation.

This fall I will be offering two 8 week programs - one at the Johnson Bentley Centre in West Kelowna and one at the Kelowna Yoga House. Different cities, different types of venues, different costs; making these programs as accessible as possible to as many as possible is my goal. With sufficient registration at KYH there will be a subsidy program so please inquire if financial limitations might otherwise exclude you.

Additional mindfulness offerings listed can supplement the 8 week trainings or help keep your practice current.

Come and find out for yourself the benefits you can experience and the practices that shift stress reactions to well-being responses!

More Mindfulness - Mindfulness Meditation Sessions - Includes 2 sitting and 1 walking silent meditation each session, with other related activities and time to ask questions.

Monday's, Sept 24, Oct 1, 15 & 22nd
7:15 - 9:00 pm
Kelowna Yoga House, 1272 St. Paul St.
$60 for all sessions, $50 if registering with another, $20 per session
Registration is required

Mindfulness for Stress Reduction & Well-Being @ Johnson Bentley Centre, West Kelowna - Thursday evening, 8 week program, includes meditation, light stretching, and reflective activities.

Sept. 27 – Nov. 15th
6:30 - 8:00 pm. $160. 
Bring yoga mat and blanket
Register by calling JB @ (250) 768-444

Mindful Living in Kelowna - Join this 8 week course learning mindfulness meditation and other awareness practices to reduce stress and increase well-being.

Monday Oct. 29 – Dec. 17th
7:15 pm – 8:45 pm
Kelowna Yoga House
$250 each or $200 if registering with a friend
Registration in advance required

A Morning of Mindfulness - A 1/2 day urban retreat learning mindfulness meditation, practicing with others, and discovering how formal and informal mindfulness benefits you.

Nov. 18th 9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Kelowna Yoga House
Cost: $30 (subsidy available to low income)

Mindful Tools & Practices for Stress Reduction - Develop well-being skills in this workshop being offered by Balance Well-Being Inc.

Wednesday November 28th
From 5:30 - 7:30pm in Kelowna
General admittance $30


Money and a Healthy Relationship with Money

It may seem straightforward, yet our relationship with money has roots deeper than we are aware of, and is impacted in more ways than we know.

The money coaching work I offer as a Certified Money Coach, works with a four step foundational process to bring you more awareness and insight into what impacts your relationship with money. Additional coaching beyond this 4 step process can provide support for continued insights and making changes with your spending and saving behaviours.

This Fall I will be part of a series of Lunch and Learns at no cost to you, where we will be looking at a number of topics around Money.

Individual money coaching which is described below is ongoing. Coaching can be done in person and by phone, so distance is not a limitation. It can be done over a short period of time or a long period, depending on the need... Being more conscious of what drives our money behaviours around saving, spending, debting, giving, gifting and receiving can have huge impact on our day to day life and well-being. I believe this is important work for the times we live in as do past clients who have seen their life change after doing the work.

Wealth Wednesday Lunch & Learn - through Balance Well-Being Inc. Join Sharon (Certified Money Coach) and Shawna (Financial Planner) in Kelowna, to get information and talk about money matters the 2nd Wednesday of each month, 12 - 1 pm. Info at Tickets

  • September 12: Your Relationship with Money

  • October 10: Stop Stressing & Budget as Permission to Spend

  • November 14: Lifestyle in Retirement

  • December 12: How Hard or Easy is your Money Working for You

Individual Money Coaching

What is a Money Coach? How would this work benefit me?

These are questions I am asked a lot...

A money coach works with individuals to increase awareness of unconscious money patterns, to generate new conscious money choices and behaviours, and to build a healthy and enjoyable relationship with money. Clients are those who want to increase their understanding of the dynamics of money flow in their lives or businesses, and/or anyone who is experiencing dissatisfaction in their current money relationship.

The 4-step foundational money coaching process consists of:

  • Identifying underlying “hard-wired” patterns

  • Determining “core issues” that stem from this patterning

  • Gaining awareness and understanding of these patterns

  • Developing money insights into unconscious attitudes, beliefs & behaviours

Money coaching involves completing tasks and doing some reflection before and after each session. This allows you to get the most benefit. Through this process you are fully immersed and engaged in your own money growth.

Money Coaching is not a substitute for Financial Planning. It is an additional support for your financial well-being as it often looks at what limits or stands in the way of your goals that are laid out with a planner. It can approach the emotions and beliefs about money or the information your planner might give you, that you and they might not be aware are influencing your relationship with money.



May 2018 saw the first meditation retreat I led in B.C. I would call it a success as we had a full house and those who attended experienced shifts and insights that were tangible. It was grounded in the MBSR program yet met people who attended from whatever background they were approaching meditation and retreat. That might have been physical or mental health related, needing time for themselves due to huge amounts of stress from personal or professional situations, a spiritual or traditional medicine interest, or deepening their connection to themselves for inner well-being.

Retreats for 2019 in the Okanagan are now in the works. With the May Mindfulness and Meditation retreat came inquiries about offering this kind of retreat in Kamloops. Currently we are looking for suitable space for a residential weekend retreat for April, May or June date in or around Kamloops. If you know of any places that might be a good spot for such a retreat with fees accessible by the average person, please drop me an email.

June 25, 2019 has been booked for a mindfulness and loving kindness retreat in Kelowna at Seton House of Prayer. Please save the date and more info will be available soon.

Other retreats under consideration are Self-Care & Compassion for Professionals (but really everyone) and a Money Coaching retreat. Please be in touch if either of these are of interest. There are so many wonderful practices and kinds of retreats that could be offered, but it is the interest of those who would come that determine what will be offered.

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News and Heartfelt Bow

I am happy to announce that I will be joining the meditation portion of the Fall offering of ENSO's Yoga and Meditation Continuous series as a guest teacher. ENSO does impactful and meaningful work in the Okanagan community and beyond, and I feel blessed to be asked to be part of what they do. Please see this link for more information about this series and their other good works.

For any additional information and to register for events, please contact me by email at or check out the rest of my website. I hope you will consider something being offered here and we will sit together, talk together, learn together, and laugh together over the seasons ahead.

Finally, a heartfelt deep bow and big thank you to everyone who attended, supported, and passed on word of - the work I do and have done over the last 3 years. You are part of creating more awareness and seeing more behavioural shifts in the lives of yourself and those you work with and care for and I am deeply appreciative... Together we are being the change we wish to see in the world!

Blessings and best wishes for health, happiness, prosperity and well-being..... Sharon